Welcome to Dark Times Academy!
These are hard times for those of us who love learning for the joy of learning and teaching for the joy of teaching. Dark Times Academy aims to offer a bright spot in all of this darkness–a place for affordable learning of the liberal and useful arts. A place where students can explore the world…
Media Capture, Control, and Misinformation in the Digital Age
Register here. This course explores the intersection of information science and sociology tounderstand the mechanisms of media capture, control, and the proliferation ofmisinformation. Students will analyze case studies, theoretical frameworks, andtechnological tools used to influence media narratives and public opinion. Exploring the intersection of information science and sociology, this class will empower you to understand…
Demystifying risk: effective conversations about risks to health, the environment and society
Register here Climate change, artificial intelligence, water and air pollution, gene technology, earthquakes, infectious disease, vaccines… whatever the risk, scientists, regulators, companies and communities are often at odds. Communities are at a disadvantage when it comes to sharing their perspectives on risk, because the information available can be highly technical. But while the science may…
[POSTPONED] Settling the Battle Between Good and Evil: Moving Beyond a Toxic Story
Register here. This course has been postponed. Check back here in March for new dates. The battle between good and evil is one of the oldest stories there is, like capitalism it takes up our horizon of thought. But what if it’s time to put it to rest? To finally settle this great battle and…
Facing the Future: Meeting the Challenge of the Post-Growth Transition
Register here. The future isn’t what it used to be. Ecological breakdown and climate impacts are undermining resilience and disrupting communities. But there is so much to learn about how we can chart a path towards a more just future, one where we can all thrive in harmony with the natural world. Join Nathan Surendran…
Finding Truth: Tools and Techniques for Citizen Journalists and Researchers
This course has been postponed until 2025 Focusing on the US and New Zealand, this course will cover basic and intermediate tools and techniques to conduct community benefit OSINT investigations. From ethics to OPSEC to coding–we will take you through how to find, document, and analyze the info you need to report on what your…
How Does This Keep Happening? Sex, Power, and the Public
Course AimThis course aims to critically examine public disclosures of sexual victimisation, exploring the psychological, social, and cultural factors that shape the process of publicly disclosing sexual abuse/assault as well as the general public’s reaction to them. By looking at disclosure through a comprehensive framework, participants will develop a deep understanding of the complexities involved…
Building Relationships that Matter: Strategies for Success
Building Relationships that matter: Strategies for success It’s a no-brainer to believe that effective relationships are key to both business and individual success. But how do you build connections like that — and even more, how do you keep them going? Renowned PR expert Chris Galloway will give you workable answers to these questions and…
Instructor spotlight: Phill Simpson
Your class is titled A Pedagogy of Possibility – critical reading and writing. What do you think is the most important thing for people to know about this course? Essentially, the most important thing for people to know is that the course is designed to expand their understanding of both the process and purpose of…
Innovation without Disruption–Visiting Risingholme and the Hagley Adult Literacy Centre
Last week has been an absolute whirlwind for us at Dark Times Academy. In addition to our amazing classes, we also were invited to deliver a counter disinformation workshop for the adult and community educators down in Christchurch. During our visit we were hosted by the lovely folks at Risingholme and we delivered our workshop at the Hagley…
Instructor Spotlight: Piers Locke
Your class is titled Future Thriving: Meeting the Challenge of Post-Growth Transition. What do you think is the most important thing for people to know about Future Thriving? The course is about the planetary limits organised human life is breaching, the direct and indirect risks and consequences they are producing, and the attempt to transition toward…