Category: Uncategorized

  • Instructor Spotlight: Piers Locke

    Your class is titled Future Thriving: Meeting the Challenge of Post-Growth Transition. What do you think is the most important thing for people to know about Future Thriving? The course is about the planetary limits organised human life is breaching, the direct and indirect risks and consequences they are producing, and the attempt to transition toward…

  • What I’ve Been Learning – Painting

    I spent the weekend with a paintbrush in my hand, which is my favourite way to spend a weekend these days. About 3 years ago I decided to learn how to paint. I had been “art curious” for a while, but one weekend I decided to go ahead and just learn how to do it.…

  • Welcome to Dark Times Academy!

    These are hard times for those of us who love learning for the joy of learning and teaching for the joy of teaching.  Dark Times Academy aims to offer a bright spot in all of this darkness–a place for affordable learning of the liberal and useful arts. A place where students can explore the world…